A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.The 12 illustrated quotes on woman kindles the importance of vision for a woman not only within herself, but also to the society to stand alongside to achieve her vision.

”Above all be the heroine of life and not the victim.” -Nora Ephron.
If the role of a victim is accepted by a woman, then she essentially hands over her power to someone else and forfeits her opportunity to experience joy and live to her full potential. She is never a victim to the situations that happen around but even if she comes across such situations in her life, she dodges them with her distinguished courage, brave deeds and noble qualities.

”Either I will find a way or I will make one.”-Philip Sidney.
She faces difficulties, goes through hardships but she makes the best out of it. To her life is not about what happens to her but how she responds to it. She is always ready to sculpt herself from the lessons she learns through her hardships.

“Do what you love doing.”- Julianna Margulies.
And for her, while there are plenty of benefits and to living a “normal” life, one of complacency and compliance executed with a subdued spirit, there’s nothing quite like having wild visions of a life that she knows she is destined to live, even if she is not living it today, in this very moment.

“The things that make us different, those are our super powers.” -Lena Waithe.
The means by which she moves through her life provides the working platform that supports her goals. Style, courtesy, honesty, sophistication, respect are the qualities that make for an inspiring woman. She inspires others with the proper balance of her profession and family and that is the superpower she possesses.The way she lives her life has an effect on how she stays in everyone’s heart.

”Doors will open if you are bold enough to knock.”-Tony Gaskins.
Setting goals for herself is the dream of a woman that she wishes to pursue in her daily life. With perseverance and courage every woman wishes to set really high goals for herself to reach. No matter what the target is, however challenging it is she will always be ready to achieve it despite the odds faced by her.

On a mission to build an empire and leave a legacy
A woman works towards her goals, never taking them on a lighter note. Her legacy comprises both ends and means.Style, courtesy, honesty, respect are the qualities that make for an inspiring legacy. The way she lives her life has an effect on how she is remembered. The paths chosen, actions taken, and a host of decisions made by her lead ultimately to a unique legacy.

“I raise up my voice—not so I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard.” Malala Yousafzai.
She trusts her own outrage. When her gut tells her something is wrong, she trusts that. And it’s not just for her, it’s for other people who might not be able to speak as loudly or as clearly as she might be able to. She feels responsible foer the people she cares about to trust herself to bring a change for them by raising her voice.

“You can’t find your voice if you don’t use it.”- Austin Kleon.
A woman treasures inside herself the way she wants to express herself but it is very hard for her to realise that she is the only person to imitate her own voice . It is not a new thing, but a little more of her. She has been tied up with authenticity not letting to explore it deep within her. Nevertheless when she finds her voice she discovers the queen in herself!

”The question isn’t who is going to let me, it is who is going to stop me.”- Ayn Rand.
Courage is the most important of all the virtues for it drives her to practice other virtues consistently. She can be anything kind and everything, but for that, she has to be courageous.

”You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi.
To her, not everything goes her way. Her life is filled with obstacles and setbacks. She never fears them but turns every difficulty into opportunity and proves to the world that she is an inspiration, to everyone, not just other women.

”Dream big and dare to fail.” -Norman Vaughan.
Women who dream are a select crowd. They have a unique way of envisioning things deeply enough, almost able to see them right before their very eyes. And that holds some serious power and sway, because thoughts are things. What she dreams, she becomes nothing will stop her.

”The visionary is the only realist.” -Federico Fellini.
She lives her life only once, but she lives it with a vision. She pursues her vision with class, dignity, and style so that an exclamation, rather than a question mark, signifies it! It’s about living a fulfilling life, a life with purpose.She finds realism in her vision. Nothing is impossible to her.