Illustrative lettering collection for Tambrahm Wedding Invitations
A series of illustrative lettering projects showing fun one liners along with the rituals typically seen in a Tambrahm wedding to create 'save the date' cards

The initial rough layout

Madisar and PanchaKacham are the traditional clothing a Tambrahm bride and groom wear respectively while tying the knot

The 'pandhi' or the wedding food (aka 'Kalyana Samayal Sadham' is always something most people look forward to! When the bride and groom themselves are foodies, this is what happens :)

It's another jolly ritual (not so much for the mama's who have to carry the bride/groom😂) that you may see in these weddings, where the maternal uncles carry the couple while the couple try to exchange garlands mid-air :)

Thanks for watching
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