We endeavour to represent the times in our own quirky and unique style of Indian folk art. Inspiration strikes from home and that is where our design elements are sourced from. The vast treasure chest of culture and art – our own motherland and country, India. Whether it is a t-shirt or a fridge magnet, we aim to make our customers brand ambassadors of their country. Wherever they go, their art follows.

We are quite emotional about this design. This was the firs design for Lat lakar and hold real importance in our hearts. He has proved to be immensely lucky for us, we hope to pass that luck on to all of you also.

We are quite emotional about this design. This was the firs design for Lat lakar and hold real importance in our hearts. He has proved to be immensely lucky for us, we hope to pass that luck on to all of you also.

Lat Lakar and Atma Studios enter Bangalore for the first time and are astounded to see the great level of creativity here. We are sure that if Bengaluru wants to, it can achieve anything. This one is for all the right brainers of Bengaluru!

Lat Lakar and Atma Studios enter Bangalore for the first time and are astounded to see the great level of creativity here. We are sure that if Bengaluru wants to, it can achieve anything. This one is for all the right brainers of Bengaluru!

People on a diet need subtle reminders to stay on track. Get this design for a friend of yours trying to lose some weight and help him shed those extra kilos.

People on a diet need subtle reminders to stay on track. Get this design for a friend of yours trying to lose some weight and help him shed those extra kilos.

This piece of Rajasthani Phad Art is the perfect inspiration to create something radically new. The colours and the art form appeal to the imagination and help you conceive and create.

This piece of Rajasthani Phad Art is the perfect inspiration to create something radically new. The colours and the art form appeal to the imagination and help you conceive and create.

We are not any doctors, nor engineers nor lawyers. Our brain does not work that way. We see colours in everything. The bright side is the right side. Our thoughts rarely sync with society’s and we have learnt to make our peace with it. We are right brainers and yes sir we are proud of it!

People on a diet need subtle reminders to stay on track. Get this design for a friend of yours trying to lose some weight and help him shed those extra kilos.

We are not any doctors, nor engineers nor lawyers. Our brain does not work that way. We see colours in everything. The bright side is the right side. Our thoughts rarely sync with society’s and we have learnt to make our peace with it. We are right brainers and yes sir we are proud of it!

There are few people who are lucky enough to have found their soulmates. For those lucky people, this is the perfect piece of art.

There are few people who are lucky enough to have found their soulmates. For those lucky people, this is the perfect piece of art.

Warli art is used to convey one of the world’s most iconic proverbs by Mr. Jobs with an ‘Atma twist’ at the end. Be an artist, stay hungry and foolish. Simple. J

Warli art is used to convey one of the world’s most iconic proverbs by Mr. Jobs with an ‘Atma twist’ at the end. Be an artist, stay hungry and foolish. Simple. J

We all have our own addictions in life. For those of you addicted to art, you have come to the right place. Welcome artoholics, this design is a perfect depiction of our addiction which our own art! We would not have it any other way.

This folk art depicts the fact that the creator and the destroyer of all worlds is within is and he evolves as he is within us. We are restricted only by our own imagination. Once we open our mind, we are free. Aham Brahmasmi!

This folk art depicts the fact that the creator and the destroyer of all worlds is within is and he evolves as he is within us. We are restricted only by our own imagination. Once we open our mind, we are free. Aham Brahmasmi!

If you spend half your time looking for ideas and the other half looking for food, then you are in the right place. Welcome to the artistic life.

If you spend half your time looking for ideas and the other half looking for food, then you are in the right place. Welcome to the artistic life.

Traditional Bengali Patwa art is used to depict the process of how a plant becomes a steaming hot cuppa on our tables. We drink a lot of coffee and that is how we function. This is a small tribute to the great beverage.

Traditional Bengali Patwa art is used to depict the process of how a plant becomes a steaming hot cuppa on our tables. We drink a lot of coffee and that is how we function. This is a small tribute to the great beverage.

Our artists use Pattachitra to explain elaborately how our modern notebook has come to be. From writing on stone tablets to our modern day to day notebooks, there has been a lot of change.

Our artists use Pattachitra to explain elaborately how our modern notebook has come to be. From writing on stone tablets to our modern day to day notebooks, there has been a lot of change.

Designed in the traditional Bengali style of Indian art, this piece illustrates how different people from different parts of our country ‘slurp’ their coffee everyday. Slurp on, people!

Designed in the traditional Bengali style of Indian art, this piece illustrates how different people from different parts of our country ‘slurp’ their coffee everyday. Slurp on, people!

Check out this lovely coaster for your morning mug of coffee. Place your coffee mug on our Warli coaster and watch your ideas come to life.

Check out this lovely coaster for your morning mug of coffee. Place your coffee mug on our Warli coaster and watch your ideas come to life.

Our artist uses Bengali folk art to display how great ideas, inspiration and motivation all strike from within. Look not outside, the answer lies within!

Our artist uses Bengali folk art to display how great ideas, inspiration and motivation all strike from within. Look not outside, the answer lies within!

While we work, we enter another dimension. Another realm altogether. The only thing that anchors us to this dimension is food. Food becomes the anchoring factor providing sanity and perspective to the artist and helping him create something spectacular.

All that we create looks great at first, but not so much later. This one is dedicated to perfectionists who want whatever they do, to be simply perfect!

All that we create looks great at first, but not so much later. This one is dedicated to perfectionists who want whatever they do, to be simply perfect!

This particular design is one of our favourites. Drawn in traditional Pattachitra style, it conveys how we all carry our creative streak around with us wherever we go.

This particular design is one of our favourites. Drawn in traditional Pattachitra style, it conveys how we all carry our creative streak around with us wherever we go.

This Pattachitra styled piece of art, funnily depicts what a coffee means to different people from various states and strata of society.

This Pattachitra styled piece of art, funnily depicts what a coffee means to different people from various states and strata of society.

The iconic ‘Sanjhi’ art form of India depicts the most true, most beautiful form of Shiva as Nityasundara. Do not get confused folks, this art form was around and in use wayyy before cubism was even thought of!

The iconic ‘Sanjhi’ art form of India depicts the most true, most beautiful form of Shiva as Nityasundara. Do not get confused folks, this art form was around and in use wayyy before cubism was even thought of!

This design is for those of our friends who are vegetarians. If you are a vegetarian and proud of it, then this design is a must have.

This design is for those of our friends who are vegetarians. If you are a vegetarian and proud of it, then this design is a must have.

This bag is for those of us who are struck by wanderlust at a moment’s notice. Put in some of your essentials into this bag and set off into the unknown.

This bag is for those of us who are struck by wanderlust at a moment’s notice. Put in some of your essentials into this bag and set off into the unknown.

Madhubani is one of the oldest and most beautiful art forms of our country. Our artists use Madhubani beautifully to help you become a better host. Use this design and never forget to ask your guest for some coffee again. J

Madhubani is one of the oldest and most beautiful art forms of our country. Our artists use Madhubani beautifully to help you become a better host. Use this design and never forget to ask your guest for some coffee again. J

This design is specially made for those thinkers and dreamers who need a drink (whatever that might be) to stimulate their creativity. Order yours now and start dreaming!

This design is specially made for those thinkers and dreamers who need a drink (whatever that might be) to stimulate their creativity. Order yours now and start dreaming!

To be provided once the design has been finalised

To be provided once the design has been finalised

Meet Ideapathy. He will remove all obstacles from your path and help you in generating idea after idea. We have used Pattachitra to bring Ideapathy to life!

Meet Ideapathy. He will remove all obstacles from your path and help you in generating idea after idea. We have used Pattachitra to bring Ideapathy to life!

The traditional and famous art style of kerala, the famous‘mural style’ is used to depict how an artist is the creator and the shaper of his own world. He is the artist and the world is clay in his hands.

The traditional and famous art style of kerala, the famous‘mural style’ is used to depict how an artist is the creator and the shaper of his own world. He is the artist and the world is clay in his hands.

Kalamkari is one of our favourite artistic playgrounds. We love working around with all the intricacies that the art form provides. This particular piece illustrates the importance of travel as a means to gain perspective for any artist. Travel is a great teacher.

Kalamkari is one of our favourite artistic playgrounds. We love working around with all the intricacies that the art form provides. This particular piece illustrates the importance of travel as a means to gain perspective for any artist. Travel is a great teacher.

Shiva is, in our opinion the most enigmatic of Gods. He is a yogi, a dancer, a warrior, a lover, a guru, and much more. This is our tribute to the Neelkanth.

Shiva is, in our opinion the most enigmatic of Gods. He is a yogi, a dancer, a warrior, a lover, a guru, and much more. This is our tribute to the Neelkanth.

This is for those of us who are completely right brained. Creativity and imagination stems from the right half of our brain, which becomes the better half of the brain itself. Lots of people have associated with this particular design.

This is for those of us who are completely right brained. Creativity and imagination stems from the right half of our brain, which becomes the better half of the brain itself. Lots of people have associated with this particular design.